Monterey Trailer Park

Monterey Trailer Park

Starting its life as an Auto Camp in the 1920’s for early auto tourists to Los Angeles and transforming into the Monterey Trailer Park in post WW II era is L.A. Historic Cultural Monument No 736. Today the Trailer Park is a unique blend of 1920’s bungalows, mid-century trailers set on a rolling two acre wooded site and is the only listed Trailer Park in the California and possibly the Nation. Brought on as the Preservation Architect, our job is to provide a holistic set of services to help manage the complex property including Cultural Landscape studies and Master Planning services, coordination with City Planning and the Office of Historic Resources, landscape architects and arborists as well as traditional architectural services for the rehabilitation of the historic Auto Camp bungalows and cabins. With PLUM Architects.


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Highland Park Backyard Micro-Office